
Run, Real-Info!

Blog • October 29, 2018

Runners throw away all the restlessness, anxiety, confusion and stress on the track. Strike hard with your footsteps and break through obstacles with action.

There were two wonderful marathons in Shandong On October 28, 2018.  We, Real-Info were on the runway!


Nearly 8,000 participants entered 2018 Weifang (Xiashan) International Rural Marathon

Xiashan District has the largest reservoir in Shandong Province--Xiashan Reservoir. It’s with a forest coverage rate of 45% and a negative oxygen ion concentration of more than 3,000 per cubic centimeter. It is a veritable "natural oxygen bar" and has a "green lung" in Shandong Peninsula. Reputation.

Look at our handsome runner!

Greet the runners and cheer for the charmers!


25,000 participants entered Haier 2018 Qingdao Marathon

In the most beautiful coastal track in China, 25,000 runners witnessed the development of the city and shared the autumn beautiful views!

5 km healthy run! It’s not a winning matter, but taking part.


Life is in sports, and energy comes from participation! Please run with Real-Info to welcome the wonderful life!